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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Desk Accessories

Dear blogging friends — Today I'm adding a new friend to my blog roll — Erika of Parvum Opus. Erika has recently started a blog about desk accessories and the decorative arts. Besides being lovely in and of itself (I've borrowed a handsome photograph from her own site), the Parvum Opus blog will lead you to a selection of custom-made desk accessories from her own bindery. That's her work featured in the above photograph. If you get a chance, visit Parvum Opus, here. I salute Erika's craftsmanship and wish her well.


  1. Hello Mark, I just took a look at that blog, and Erika has a good eye for quality and interest. Thanks for taking the time to introduce Parvum Opus to us.
    --Road to Parnassus

    1. Hello, Parnassus,

      Thanks for looking; Erika's beautiful photography drew me into her site — she does have a great eye!

  2. Hello Mark:
    Thank you for the introduction to this most enchanting of blogs. Not only are there the delights of interesting posts about 'little works' but also, as you say, Erika's own work shows tremendous skill and artistry.

    1. Hello Jane and Lance:

      Perhaps Erika's blog will someday allow us to see the creative process of her binding.

  3. Dear Mark - thanks for the introduction. Lots of lovely posts there already. I am particularly interested in bookbinding since my sons are having their work hand printed and hand bound by a private press at the moment.

    1. Dear Rosemary - I remember that your family enjoys binding, and that you have treated us to printers and paper makers on your blog. There's something very special about holding a hand-made book, and even feeling a hand-printed page. Let's hope that's never lost!

  4. Erika is extremely talented and artistic. Off to see her site.
    Thank you for the introduction, Mark.

    2012 Artist Series
    Art by Karena

  5. Dear Mark,
    Wow, thank you for sharing my work with your readers-- how tremendously generous of you! I feel suddenly that I'm involved in a world-wide dinner party or salon, with so many fascinating people sharing ideas and philosophies. I'm honored to be included and hope to be able to contribute meaningfully to your great conversation. I send thanks and warm regards for you and your readers,

    1. You're very welcome. I think you'll discover that blogging is indeed like a salon, and that's a very apt description. I also like to think of it as friends presenting performance art for each other. When I started blogging, I thought it was all about the presentation, but I've come to realize that it's really just as much about the conversation.

    2. Hello Mark, I've been diving into all of the blogs written by your salon-mates, and am completely inspired. What a fascinating group of people. I see what you mean about the conversation: I can see already where my posts will change and grow according to the aesthetically sophisticated interests of the group--what fun! Again, I'm so grateful to have been included--thank you.

  6. Hey Mark - A great honor for Erika to be featured here :) Wonderful photo! I'll head over for a visit ~
    Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Loi. I hope it's good weather in D.C., and that there's time to sit in that beautiful garden.

  7. Dear Mark,
    I have taken your advice and popped over to see this site and I love it. It is a very lush blog in my opinion. I agree with your comment that there is nothing like holding a hand made book. Erika's profession is all the more important in this digital age when a love of proper binding and printing appears to be going out the window!
    Bye for now

    1. Dear Kirk,

      I understand from our National Public Radio that libraries will soon be about 40 per cent digital. Those of us who have our own libraries will be rarer too, I suppose . . .
