Other Interesting Pages

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A is for "Adieu"

Dear Blogging Friends,

Today marks the 5th anniversary of All Things Ruffnerian, and my 416th posting. I hope you've enjoyed my subject matter, and my graphics as well.

We've covered a lot of territory together these past five years, haven't we?

I've especially enjoyed sharing the creation of my Pompeian Room with you. Your interest and encouragement in the project has brought me as much pleasure as the project itself. Indeed, you were a great part of the process.

I hope in your own lives you are surrounded by all those things that bring you joy and have meaning for you. After all, to have passion for something, whether it be a mighty idea or the tiniest of objects, is to be that much more alive.

This is my last posting. It's time for me to go in a different direction and to focus attention there.

I want to thank my readers and especially a dozen+ friends who have been consistent commentors and who have shared regularly of themselves, often outside of this blog. You know who you are because you're each on my blog list. I'll continue to visit your blogs and to comment from time to time, and so this will not be a good-bye, but only "adieu."



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Stefan. You can be sure I'll stay in touch. I want to thank you again for having been the first person to add my site to your blog list.

  2. Dear Mark, Here I was, excited and happy to see another one of your blog posts. Looking at the beautiful images I realized how very special all of your posts have been.
    And then, I get to the very last of your posting! No you can not leave us. You have been such an inspiration to all of us. You have given us encouragement and support. You have only shared with us the very Best. You have given the blogging scene something different...great style and unsurpassed imagination.
    I will not say good bye nor adieu.

    1. Dear Gina,

      Your beautiful house and distinctive Italian ceramics have been and are an inspiration, and I hope the day will still come when I get a chance to join one of your workshops. I know my friend Sandy speaks of that also — it's on the bucket list! You've also showcased the beauty of Utah like no one else, and we'll want to experience that. Thank you for the lovely comment.

    2. Dear Mark, Gene and I look forward to the day when you and Sandy come for a visit. The guest cottage is ready, the garden always provides several meals and champagne is on ice. Artist brushes will be on standby. ox, Gina

  3. Dear Mark - When I saw the word 'adieu' I hoped that it didn't mean that you were giving up blogging, I can't hide the fact that I am sad. However, I do realise that it is happening to many judging by the fall-off as bloggers switch to alternative social networks.
    You were in part responsible for me setting up WFVM after I discovered and was impressed by All Things Ruffnerian. One of the things that first caught my eye was seeing your avatar impersonating Federico da Montefeltro - the Duke of Urbino. You were my very first 'follower' but I am pleased that we may still hear from you from time to time.
    All the best in whatever direction your new focus takes you, and thank you for giving us so many wonderful and interesting posts over the past five years.

    1. Dear Rosemary,

      I remember very well becoming your first follower because I knew from your initial posting that you had a lot to share — and you still do! You can't imagine how much I've enjoyed so many vicarious outings through your England. And I've learned a lot through your love of nature and love of heritage. I've always wanted to travel to England, so perhaps our paths will cross someday; that would make me very happy. And in the meantime, I'll still be visiting and commenting . . .

  4. Dear Mark, I certainly wasn't expecting this announcement. I will miss you and your features tremendously; however I wish you all the best in your new ventures and adventures! Please do continue to visit as I love seeing your comments on my site!

    The Arts by Karena

    1. Dear Karena,

      Thank you for all your upbeat comments. I really appreciate your love of the arts and that you do so much to promote them. Stay well, and of course I'll be visiting.


  5. Thank you so much for posting such meaningful and informative content. :)

    1. Hello, Denise,

      Thank you for visiting and for leaving a comment. I've found that blogging is indeed the place for meaningful content.

  6. Oh Mark, I'm all teary-eyed. Not ready to say goodbye. Nope. I do respect your need to move on and whatever the motivation - I'm sure it's the right thing for you. But damn I'm going to miss you and your wonderful blog.

    I hope you'll still drop in now and again (at 'in so many words') so we can keep in touch. Jeez, I'm verklempt. It's raining outside, the weather matches my mood after reading your goodbye post.

    I sincerely hope all is well with you -- now and forever.Take good care my friend.

    1. Dear Yvette,

      Of course I'll be staying in touch. In So Many Words epitomizes everything that I've enjoyed about blogging, and I want to say to you especially how much I've enjoyed being introduced to so many artists, and how much I've enjoyed your incisive commentary on cinema. Thanks for your friendship, and for a comment deeply appreciated.

  7. Goodness - and such sadness! I know how you feel however, and have been less and less communicative myself, as you will have noticed. But columnist will chime in from time to time, and you're always welcome to comment.

    Maybe blogging has had its day? I need to Google "Instagram" and "Twitter", but alas I think they're not for me.

    I am glad our ships passed in the night of the blogosphere, and I hope they might again some day in another medium!

    1. Dear Columnist,

      I'm glad our paths crossed as well, and you can be sure that if I am ever in Thailand, I will make a point to look you up. And as you say, perhaps we shall meet through some other medium.

      I think blogging is still one of the best of social media; it allows for so much personal creative expression. I do indeed wish to turn my attention to new projects, but I also believe that I've shared so much of my life and interests (or passions) that further blogging might only dilute what has come before.

      Thank you so much for your comment, and for all the other good exchanges!

  8. Mark,

    Thank you for several years of well thought out posts.

    Be well

    1. And thank you for the comment — it's much appreciated.

  9. Hello Mark, This sad shock comes like a bolt from the blue, especially unexpected after the triumphant Pompeii series. Yours was one of the few key blogs that made the whole blogging experience such a pleasure. To say that All Things Ruffnerian is irreplaceable is no understatement.

    As with Rosemary, you were the first one to comment on and subscribe to my blog, and your constant support has always been much appreciated. You have explored through your writing so many of your talents and interests that now these topics (graphic arts, lithographed tin, Pompeii, and so forth) I will always associate with you.

    May your next projects and endeavors bring you as much enjoyment and satisfaction as your current blog has brought to your devoted readers.

    Sincerely, Jim

    1. Dear Jim,

      I know from your own interests and from your many thoughtful observations that you are a kindred spirit. I've very much enjoyed your collections, and I've learned a lot from you and the Road to Parnassus.

      Through the five years that I've been blogging, I've had a number of favorite blogs that suddenly stopped without a warning or explanation. I would always wonder what happened. Did they have a heart attack and die? Did they suddenly find themselves living on the street, with a few possessions in a plastic bag? Were they snatched away by aliens!? And so, when I thought that my own blogging had run its course, I wanted to inform the people whom I've always considered to be friends — so they wouldn't have those very same thoughts about me!

      Though I'll be focusing on other things, I intend to still visit and comment, so as this posting says, it's not a good-bye. I'll stay in touch.

      And thank you again, Jim, for all your supportive words.

  10. Thanks Mr. Ruffner it was a pleasure to follow your blog.
    Stay well.

    1. Thank you for visiting, and especially for following.

  11. Dear Mark,
    I'm catching up from being away. What an absolute shock! I will miss your interesting and educational posts. Hope you'll reconsider. And thank you for five fabulous years!!
    Take care,

    1. Dear Loi,

      I'll continue to visit Tone on Tone, and I would love to visit your store in person someday. In the meantime, if you're ever looking for a grisaille panel to sell, you know where to come! Thanks for viewing, and cheers to Tom and you!

  12. Dearest Mark,
    I expected this Adieu after your masterpiece, but then there was a few more posts and I thought, " mmm, maybe I'm wrong". Sadly I'm not, but what a wonderful five years you have given us. You are inspiring. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.
    Au plaisir,

    1. Dear Anyes,

      Thank you for all the lovely comments you've left over the years, and for sharing the beautiful (and thorough) renovation work to the Dusty Victorian. I have a recurring daydream that at some point I might make a grand circuit of visiting all my blogging friends, and the Dusty Victorian figures prominently in that vision. But as I've said in the comments above, I'll continue to visit my blogging friends . . .

      xoxo Mark

  13. I will mis your keen mind and discriminating taste. Best of luck in your new directions. Ann

    1. Dear Ann,

      Thank you for your visits, the high compliment, and for the good wishes. May good luck attend you as well!


  14. Oh Mark, you will be sorely missed! I hope to touch base with you from time to time . Stay creative and remember we will be here for another journey, if you want us.

    1. Thank you, Theresa! You can be sure that I'll still be visiting and leaving comments at your blog, and who knows, perhaps there will be another journey . . .

    2. I am coming to the end of a three year commitment elsewhere and can now devote more time to my blog. Alas, we are ships passing in the night! Hoping to see you around and hope you enjoy your next journey.

  15. Your blog is so missed. You brought insight and style to every topic. I am richer for having followed you. My gratitude for your years of entertainment and education. Ann

  16. Dear Mark, after a false start some time back I have finally returned to the world of blogging, only to find that you have sallied forth! I hope that you will see this message because I wanted you to know that I enjoyed your blog such a lot. I wonder if you will come back one day as I have done? Bye for now, Kirk

    1. Dear Kirk,

      Thank you so much for your comment! I wondered about your absence, especially as you never actually signed off, and even worried a little that something untoward might have happened! So it's good to know that you are back and that all is right with your world.

      As this posting says, I have moved on to other projects, including doing some writing. I will, however, add one or two postings if and when there are any changes or additions to the Pompeii Room, and I am actually expecting to add one of those updates pretty soon.

      It's so good to see your wonderful blog up and running again! Yours has always been one of my favorites.

      Best wishes to you and Mr. A.,

