Other Interesting Pages

Monday, November 1, 2010

Charles Eames' Office

In 1975, Fortune magazine ran an article on Charles Eames' business and office. At the time, Eames was in the midst of creating a bi-centennial exhibition and the place was a most interesting mixture of chaos and order, and it appealed to me very much. Ray and Charles Eames lived in a modular home of their own design, but they really spent most of their time at the office, usually working into the evening. Because of that, the office had lots of homey qualities, including a dining room and a kitchen manned by a full time chef. Ray made sure there were always flowers around the office.

A business lunch - Ray and Charles have their backs to the camera.

Ray acted as the office manager, and nothing escaped her eye.

Charles Eames photographing an exhibition model.
Note the cast of scale figures in the foreground.

My favorite shot, the props storeroom. Everything was neatly
cataloged in boxes, with photographs as labels.

All photographs by Arnold Newman, 1975

Charles Eames (June 17, 1907 - August 12, 1978)
Ray Eames (December 15, 1912 - August 12, 1988)
(Yes, Ray Eames died ten years to the day of Charles Eames' death.)


  1. What briliant photos of behind the scenes. Funny it is not what I imagined Eames' office to look like

  2. Delightful post. Enticing photos. Brings to mind some advice from the Eameses, to take one's pleasures seriously, and to find joy in work.

  3. Thanks David and Daniel! Looking at these images, one can feel the energy of an office creating in many directions.
