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Friday, November 26, 2010

Contemporary Brick Art

Fire Station No. 3 in St. Petersburg, Florida, features a long wall of brick art
that depicts the history and evolution of St. Petersburg's fire engines. The art
is situated high on the building and can't be easily photographed, so I'll share some details that were photographed from ground level, looking up.

I don't know who the artist is, but I will research the name and add it
to this page. I think he or she did a superb job!


  1. Hi Mark, these are truly inspirational and to think that they were done in modern times. They remind me of some of the ancient architecture that must have existed in Babylon and around that region

  2. Yes, these reminded me of a particular brick lion gate, which has rich blue glazes. I believe that's now housed in Berlin.

  3. Yes, the ancient brick reliefs are what came to my mind as well. One rarely sees this technique. I like brickwork, and I've always thought that like Winston Churchill, I'd like to take it up as a hobby.

    This is example is so unusual, I've never seen anything like it and I'm glad you featured it. Also, I like building materials that are durable. I am still astounded at the number of "luxury" homes being constructed of that ugly, cheap, coated, styrofoam "stucco." Like the Three Little Pigs, I think brick is best!

  4. How extraordinary! I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. Thanks for sharing Mark!


  5. Yes, I agree with David that it seems rather like a lost ancient art; So it's rather gratifying to see a new building that so much effort was put into its' decoration! Thats really beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  6. Whenever I revisit Atlanta I'm struck by how much brick there is. It's a bit oppressive. Too bad no one seems to have considered an artistic use of it such as seen here.

  7. Thanks for visiting, Terry, H.H., Stefan and Scott.

    Scott, as I recall, Atlanta was a great brick-making city, and I've seen numerous bricks embossed with "Atlanta" and "Georgia." Of course, Atlanta had a lot of building to do during ... Reconstruction.

  8. Lovely photos.

    The blue gate you're thinking of is the Ishtar Gate in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.


  9. Yes, that's the one! Thanks for contributing the link — I've always admired that handsome work.
