Other Interesting Pages

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

For a number of years, I've been collecting daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and tintypes. Along the way, I've also become infatuated with their gutta percha cases, also known as union cases. I'm starting the new year by bringing you the collection on three separate pages. You'll find them in the right-hand column under the camera header.

I hope you can set some time aside to visit the collection, and that viewing it brings you as much pleasure as collecting it has brought me. Happy New Year!


  1. Well, aren't you all organized today! A good way to start off the new year.

  2. I'm so delighted to have discovered your blog via H.H.! I am a collector (of sorts) of antique images and have a very small, on the side card business using them. Exploring your wonderful world here is going to be very fun!

    Warm New Year Wishes...

  3. Happy New Year, Theresa and Jessica! Jessica, I am a great collector of ephemera - particularly trade cards - so we will have more to share! ... Mark

  4. Oh Mark, I'm looking forward to exploring our collection!! I love antique photography.:) Have a splendid New Year!


  5. Happy New year, H.H.! Do go to the antique photography pages when you have a little time to linger. ...Mark
