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Saturday, February 12, 2011

19th Century Lucky Strike Tin


This lithographed tin from my collection is in exceptionally clean condition. It probably dates between 1875-1885.

The front reads, "Lucky Strike Cut Plug, Fragrant & Delicious."

The back has a gold fan with the words, "No. 60, Second. Dist., State of Va."

The rest of the back reads, "NOTICE. - The Manufacturers of this Tobacco have complied with all requirements of law. Every person is cautioned under penalties of law not to use this package for tobacco again."



  1. Love this vintage tin! And my father used to smoke Lucky Strikes. I remember getting cigarettes for him from the vending machine - the one where you pressed the little raised plastic button with a miniature image of the cigarette package - it was such a thrill!

  2. I remember those machines, too! But I came from Parliament smokers.

  3. I grew up in a house where for much of my youth both parents smoked Lucky Strikes, having started smoking in their early teens, as was quite common of their generation (and considered entirely acceptable). I recall learning that Luckies substituted white packaging for green during WWII, with the campaign of "Lucky Strikes Green Has Gone to War." I've always admired the bold graphics of Lucky Strikes' packaging, and the lore around the brand, despite the now-well-understood health hazards of smoking. Your tin is quite a handsome survivor, indeed. L.S.M.F.T.

  4. Thanks teaorwine and Reggie. Tobacco played a large role in 19th century advertising, and the irony is, that while I have never smoked, I have quite a bit of smoking memorabilia!
