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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tobacco Ephemera 1

I thought that over the course of several postings, I'd share some tobacco ephemera from my advertising collection. This piece, which acts like a pocket, is made of very stiff paper, and it doesn't seem suited for holding loose tobacco or cigarettes.

click to enlarge
I think it was a neat little folder for holding cigarette rolling paper. Don't you love the leathery background? Perhaps it's meant to be alligator skin. Here's the back.



  1. Hi Mark,
    'Sweet Bouquet' kills me, no pun intended.
    Looking forward to this collection.

  2. Hi Anyes, It's so ironic that I have a lot of tobacco memorabilia because I've never smoked. But the tobacco industry was a big presence in 19th century advertising, and I must admit, had wonderful designs. I especially like the scrollwork around the frame of roses on this packet.

  3. Hi Mark, Love this unusual design. Great Post!

  4. As a child I would always see in books and magazines the most wonderful cigar boxes with fabulous labels. Now not many people smoke cigars in Australia, so they were increasingly hard to come by and I always wanted one! First time I saw one in a thrift shop here in Canada I bought one for $1.50 and I treasure it!

  5. Thanks, Gina!

    David, I love cigar boxes and cigar labels as well. I also have a collection of 19th century cigar bands - those might be a future posting ...

  6. Love the pseudo croc background - conjures up a wonderful scent combination of tobacco and leather!
