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Monday, June 27, 2011

A Trip to Sarasota Architectural Salvage

This past Saturday, Sandy, Kate and I made a trip to Sarasota Architectural Salvage, about 40 minutes from St. Petersburg. The company has a lot to see inside as well as outside, and what a treat! There was much metalwork to choose from, and I was thinking that this would be the place to come for an exotic trellis.

This classic scrollwork could be from an original Greek Revival house.

Lots of great doors ...

... and columns, too.

Hey, did someone dismantle a blue temple?

Inside, everywhere one turns reveals something beautiful or strange, or both!

Bins of storefront letters ...

I'm greatly attracted to etched stained glass.

I saw lots of pressed glass,
and Turkish mirrored tiles, too.

Carved panels from Asia ...

... antique grates and brackets ...

... and even some tile that would make my blogging friend Gina,
of Art and Alfalfa, smile!

1093 Central Avenue  |  Sarasota  |  Florida  |  34236


  1. Hello Mark:
    An Aladdin's Cave indeed! This would be just the sort of place which we should love to visit. As you say, it looks to be full of interesting and unusual things, so many of which one could give a home to.

    We are keen to know if you were tempted to buy. So many temptations, surely you could not resist.

  2. Great stuff. Were their prices great too?

  3. I just love stores like this! Some really interesting things there.

  4. Hello, Jane and Lance - I was tempted like poor Saint Anthony, but I truly do not have room for much more in my little house. Down the road, however, I'm considering building an outside deck, and I will look to the salvage company for at least one big element of dramtic accent.

  5. Hi, Scott and Stefan - There was great stuff for everyone, and I would say that the prices, while not steals, were reasonable. I'll definitely be going back.

  6. Now that's some serious eye candy. Did you bring any candy home? I hope there is a Part II to this story.
    Love the photographs,Mark. Also, you have a great camera and know how to use it. Especially the fine details--left me drooling. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

    Mrs. D

  7. Hi, Mrs. D. - I'm glad you like the photographs! And I promise there will be a Part II — when I construct my backyard deck ...

  8. Hi Mark,
    These salvage places make my heart skip a beat. Repairs have priority over beautification when one is on a budget, but I always keep an eye open for certain things that would make the "old lady" look better. Thank you for being our tour guide.

  9. This looks like so much fun. I admire the ironwork...cast and wrought, especially the simpler, neoclassical pieces. The marble corner sink is neat too.

    It is so much nicer to look at all these authentic antique pieces rather than reproductions at places like Restoration Hardware. Great photos.

  10. Hi, Anyes - I didn't buy anything major at the salvage company, but I never walk away from a place like this without loads of ideas for new projects.

  11. Hi, Terry - I was taken with the Neoclassic ironwork, too. I would have bought the pair of grills, but have no place at my house where they'd fit!
