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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Celebrating One Year

Dear Blogging Friends,

Today marks my first year of blogging and of All Things Ruffnerian. A little more than a year ago, I delved for the first time into the world of blogging. I was really taken by the format, which allows one to share ideas and information in a way that can be intelligent, beautiful and concise. And because I am a natural sharer of information and somewhat of a storyteller, I thought that I could contribute something, too.

Blogging is a great mode for self-expression, and every posting is like an artist's performance or a baker's fresh batch of cookies. Maybe a better analogy would be that a posting is like one's own contribution to a really fun potluck dinner.

I enjoy looking at Google's blog stats, and which posts generate the most interest. (If you haven't noticed, I make an effort to evenly spread the postings between art and design history, places and/or things architectural, a variety of antique collections, my own work, and the odd miscellany.)

What I've especially come to appreciate is that blogging is really about networking and community. Over the past year, it's given me much pleasure to connect with kindred spirits, talented and inspiring artists, lovers of the finer things in life, thoughtful commenters and commentators, and so many who have been helpful and supportive, and whom I consider to be friends.

So I hope you'll pick up a fork and enjoy a piece of the virtual cake I've prepared just for you!



  1. Dear Mark - I am so pleased that I am on your network. Brilliantly summed up - lovely, imaginative graphics. I am enjoying my slice of the virtual cake. This post put a smile on my face, thanks.

  2. Hello Mark:
    Many, many congratulations on one year of truly inspirational and informative posts which do, as you say, cover a wide and always interesting range of topics. From our own point of view, which we are certain is shared by your other readers and Folowers, each post offers some new, and often unusual, insight into a subject area, mostly previously unknown, and always presented in a highly readable and lively manner. 'All Things Ruffnerian' enriches our world, for which so many thanks.

    And, we cannot leave without remarking on the wonderful way in which today's anniversary post is presented.

  3. Gosh, sorry I am a little late....any cake left?
    Your blog is one I truly enjoy reading and your background exposes me to another side of art. Thanks for joining the crazy world of blogging!

  4. Hi, Rosemary - Thanks, I'm smiling back at you! And I'm glad you started blogging, too.

  5. Hello, Jane and Lance - Thank you both for thoughtful comments throughout the year — and it's good to have you back from your long vacation!

  6. Hi, Theresa - And thanks to you — I've learned a lot through your travels, projects and techniques.

  7. Hello Mark, Congratulations on your anniversary. In addition to learning something from every post, I always have that "how beautiful" or "how cool" reaction.

    Please don't decide to rest on your laurels--we are looking forward to future years of your talents and insights.
    --Road to Parnassus

  8. Dear Mark, Congratulations! We are, your readers, the lucky ones. Your posts are wonderfully different. Wouldn't miss any of them. Nine out of ten times your posts are about a subject I know nothing about. They are beautifully written and your excellent images tell the story.

  9. Congratulations, Mark! I'm so happy to have found your blog. It remains one of my favorite places to visit.

    Save a piece of cake for me!

  10. Hello, Road to Parnassus - Thanks for your comments. While your own blog is brand new, I like the direction you're headed, and I'm looking forward to your future postings as well. A year will go by quickly!

  11. Hi, Gina! Thanks for for showing your own readers how beautifully and gracefully one can lead a life. And good luck on your upcoming art show!

  12. Hi, Yvette - I always enjoy what you're reading, rereading and reviewing - thanks for being part of my blogging community!

  13. Mark, many many wishes of congratulations! Each of us celebrate different milestones in blogging, you on a yearly basis, and myself on numbers of posts. I was so pleased when I reached 100 posts, and I have done nearly 500! And as you say we all get different things from blogging, however as you rightly say, it is networking! The graphics you have done to celebrate this are quite wonderful!

  14. Hi, David - 500 postings boggles my mind at this point, so you are the one to be congratulated! I'll be looking for that 500th! (Thanks for enjoying the graphics.)

  15. Mark Congratulations, I love your site!! Though I do not always comment you can be sure I visit as often as possible. Come and see me whenever you can!


    Art by Karena

  16. Thanks, Karena! I always appreciate your comments.

  17. Congrats, Mark. Keep up the great work.

  18. Thanks, Alan, and I'm honored to be on your blog roll.

  19. kudos!how quickly a year flies by-a frequent stop is always made -if not everyday-which is rare these days for me anywhere-it is often I read several of your posts at a time and find some rabbit hole to explore. You have been a wonderful addition to my year and my own blog roll.thanks for the effort you put into each post-truly unique, something rare and challenging to prescribe to amongst the masses-you always hit the Mark. pgt

  20. Hi Mark,

    Sorry I'm a bit late to extend good wishes and congratulations. You've done a splendid job, and apart from the great beauty of your presentations, the orginality, and interesting subjects, the editorial tone of your work is so pleasant and uplifting. It is good to hear that the experience has been so rewarding for you; I think it is because of your positive attitude.

    Thank you for all your wonderful presentations.
    Terrific graphic (as always) with your silhouette from the Renaissance portrait.

  21. Dear Gaye - Thank you so much for being an early supporter of my site — it meant a lot to me at a time when I thought I was alone in the wilderness!

  22. Hi, Terry - You're never too late, and it's been my pleasure to communicate with you, who are one of those kindred spirits I mention. Thanks!

  23. Hi, Anyes - Thanks for being a part of my blog! XX
