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Friday, November 4, 2011

Beignets Are In My Future

Dear Blogging Friends — The debilitating requirements of modern life have left me with a pallor, a case of techno-fatigue and itchy feet! I'm going to remedy that by taking a little time away from the computer. (I know that new sights and a little adventure will have a restorative effect.) But I'll be back soon, with observations and images to share ...


  1. Hello Mark:
    We are going to miss you dreadfully and really hope that it will not be too long before you are back with us.

    We do hope that all is well with you and wish you a safe return.

  2. Dear Mark - have a great trip, and recharge your batteries. Look forward to your photos when you return.

  3. Hello Mark, Enjoy your time away. We'll be here when you return. Just don't stay away too long. Warm regards, Gina

  4. Hi Mark, Going to New Orleans for a designer is like a busman's holiday. I can't wait for your take on the city, or to see on what you focus.

    Maybe you can come up with some Clarence Laughlin-like images. The ghosts of the past really do seem to suffuse that city. Have a great trip.
    --Road to Parnassus

  5. Have a great time, Mark. Come back to us when you're ready. :)

  6. You have been amazing at producing such excellent posts and prolific at it as well. Of course you need a break, have a great time off.

  7. Dear Blogging Friends - Thanks for your comments, one and all. It's good to get away, and good to get back to sharing with all of you!
