Other Interesting Pages

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was looking through a box of my childhood toys (I still keep a small box out of sentimentality), and I found this rather two-dimensional turkey, which was part of a farm set. As I study the toy's obvious antiquity, it's a wonder to me that I actually played with it in this lifetime — surely it's from a very distant past life!

I'm sharing this with you as my way of saying, Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Giving thanks to you for this blog and being so supportive of mine. Have a good holiday, and the next time you better let me know when you visit N.O., Kevin

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you Mark and to all your American Friends and Followers.
    I am always getting those feelings of a past life that did exist but seems rather like a dream now. Sometimes we return to areas where we used to live and I find it difficult to comprehend that I spent so many years there.

  3. Hi Mark, It's so nice reflecting on the privilege of having grown up with objects of charm and quality, at least until you have to use terms like "antiquity" to describe old possessions! Your turkey is exceptionally cute--I always have a weak spot for Thanksgiving related items.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

    Road to Parnassus

  4. A lovely little turkey, Mark. I love old toys. As I'm sitting here typing, I'm looking at my little collection of things that remind me of my childhood - though mostly they belonged to my daughter. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Mark.

  5. Thanks, Kevin - I always enjoy seeing what you find on your treks! Can you believe that I brought nothing back from new Orleans for myself except some pebbles from the Mississippi?!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Hi, Rosemary - I give thanks for new blogging friends like you!

    Best wishes from this side of the pond! Mark

  7. Hi, Parnassus - Because I was an Army brat and moved so many times in my life (at least 18 times), there was a great need for me to edit what I owned and pack up only the best, or best loved. So I was having to dispose of toys before they were made to be disposable, and that made me care all the more for what remained of my possessions.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Hi, Yvette - I love old toys, too, and have several in my living room bookcase. I've decided to keep this old tom out all year long.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Yvette!

  9. So charming!! If it were bigger, I would suspect door stop!! So nice to have such memories. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Mark!

  10. Hi, Stacie - The turkey measures only two inches tall ...
