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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Two Woodies

Regular readers of this blog know that one of my passions is collecting antique buttons. The two buttons shown here (the bottom one is also my current  "Antique Button of the Month" — seen on my sidebar) are both referred to by button collectors as "woodies." They were constructed of metal decorative designs that overlaid pieces of wood. I think these are pretty neat, but it's just as well that I have only two because I consider three of anything the start of another collection!

I'll have a new posting tomorrow.


  1. Hello Mark:
    These are indeed most attractive items and beautifully detailed. Go for another collection, we say!!

    1. Hello, Jane and Lance - I just might! I've divested myself of several large collections of STUFF, but I do make exceptions when the collected items are small or flat.

  2. The woodies are very attractive - the first, Neptune? or Poseidon? the second, a blacksmithing angel? I can imagine how difficult it would be to resist buying these, are they difficult to find?

    1. Hello, Rosemary,

      I think the little angel is working for Vulcan. These are the first two woodies that I've found, but now I realize that I may have missed a few because ones with finer grains look like metal.

  3. Dear Mark, I think they're pretty neat also. Happy May Day!

    1. Happy May Day, Gina! Appropriately, I will spend the day working in my studio.

  4. You have great restraint. I consider one of anything the start of a collection. I love the naive, folk-art quality of the blacksmith-angel, perhaps because I like blacksmithing in general. Come to think of it, I already have some hand-forged blacksmith's tongs, old photos of blacksmiths, miniature anvils, and recordings of the Armorer's Song ("Let hammer on anvil go Ring, Ring, Ring, and the forge fire brightly shine...")--an instant collection.
    --Road to Parnassus

    1. Hello, Parnassus - Your comment caused me to laugh out loud!

      I have no doubt that collecting is a genetic trait — I've been collecting and putting little things in rows since I was a toddler. I've been fortunate in my own experience of collecting to have been attracted to several things like daguerreotypes and trade cards before their prices rose. In button collecting, there's a huge range of pricing, and something for everybody.

      I think a posting on blacksmithing should be in your future — it sounds very interesting!
