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Monday, January 24, 2011

Trade Cards and Their Evolution

For a long time, one of my great passions has been collecting the ephemera known as trade cards. These bright advertisements were a scrapbooking rage throughout the latter part of the 19th century. The Americans of that era were excited about the full-color printing that was very new, and by the imaginative work of artists who apparently had free design reign.

I've chosen some cards from my collection that illustrate how images like the one above evolved into advertising that was closer to what we would today call corporate identity or branding. To access them, just go to the right-hand column and click on that iconic, 19th-century pointing hand.


  1. Dear Mark, As you say, these trade cards are most intriguing and are a marvellous catalogue of the day. What a most interesting collection you have and many of the individual cards show such a wealth of artistic talent.

  2. Mark, what a collection you have! Just wonderful. I am always impressed with the imagination of some of these artists, and wonder what the reaction to some of these drawings (such as above) would be by the public.

    I too am an ephemera collector, and have several filing cabinets full of the stuff!

  3. Dear Edith, Thank you for visiting! I'll be posting more ephemera collections in the future, either on additional pages, or in separate postings, so stay tuned!

  4. David, I'd love to see your collection in its entirety! I know you have assembled a fine grouping of items on luxury ocean liners, and I've enjoyed everything I've seen to date.

    The drawing above is one of my favorite trade cards - I think it looks positively medieval!

  5. Dear Mark, Wanted to let you know that I've added you to my blogroll! I'll be faithfully looking in with great interest!

  6. Thanks so much - I am honored to be on that blogroll!

  7. A small portion of your collection?! Incredible! Just love this post and your amazing collection of cards - so charming and a wonderful visual peek into the history of printing, design and tastes of an era.

  8. Thank you Quintessence! I promise that you'll be seeing more trade cards and ephemera in future postings.
