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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Stylish Blogger Award

I am delighted to announce that I have been honored with the Stylish Blogger Award by pgt of little augury. Blogging provides a forum that can be a satisfying opportunity for creative expression, which is exactly the way I approach every posting. It’s equally pleasurable to learn from so many talented fellow contributors, and to exchange and share images and ideas. Thanks, Gaye!

The Stylish Blogger Award is to be accepted under condition of the following rules:

1) Thank and link back to the person who awarded you. (Done)

2) Share 7 things about yourself. OK, here goes:

• My ancestry is Swiss, on both sides of my family.
• Andy Warhol and I shared the same design professor, 20 years apart.
• One of my great pleasures has been to gradually transform the front of my house from a nondescript style into a Neoclassic facade.
• At the age of eight, I copied all the U.S. presidents' faces as a drawing exercise. As a result, I've never quit reading presidential history.
• I think it's valuable for artists to collaborate with artists in fields other than their own. The experience invariably brings new perspectives to one's own artwork.
• I've taken the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading course but still read slowly because I enjoy lingering over well-written passages, and dwelling on the imagery.
• I like to start my day by doing two crossword puzzles.

3) Award 10 other bloggers.

4) Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award. This is not only a form of recognition from your peers, but also a wonderful avenue for introducing new readers to great blogs. It's what Gaye calls, "spreading the love around."

I am happy to pass this award on to these Stylish Bloggers:


  1. Dear Mark, You're so kind, I hadn't expected this nor did I expect the three others I've already got, now I'm lost as to how to deal with it all! (I'm a novice.) Anyway, many thanks and I'll be looking in on you with the interest of a real fan!

  2. Great selections,& can not wait to see the facade reveal, do not think I have missed that, have I? & Paul, one post will do to serve for all and How easily You might have had a fourth, however I demurred after seeing you bounty.Well deserved to you both, pgt

  3. pgt, you have not missed a facade reveal. I am waiting for warmer weather before I do stucco work and painting, so the reveal will have to come later in the year.

  4. Congratulations! How exciting.

    I also look forward to seeing the transformation of the facade. I don't think this is an easy exercise, and for many do-it-yourselfers wouldn't be successful, but I know yours will be outstanding and elegant.

    You write a blog, illustrate, do architectural/decorative painting, build shelves/ carpentry, and do stucco? You are one Renaissance guy!

    And you drew all the presidents at age eight? Gee, I'd like to see what you did with your LEGO!

  5. Thank you for the kind words, Terry!

    Redoing my porch has required two generations of columns (the first were made of wood that wasn't pressure-treated), so I'm looking forward to being finished. I won't be doing the actual stucco work, but maybe I'll apprentice myself to the person who does. I like to have a hand in projects, even when someone else is doing the major share of the work - it's a great way to learn.

  6. Yes indeed, I agree with Gaye, you deserve this award. Your post are always thought out and both stylish and interesting. A treat to follow.

  7. Thank you, Picture of Elegance, Stefan and Kevin!

    Stefan, your desire to see the house might just be the kick that spurs me on!

  8. Hi Mark
    Thank you so much for giving me this award, you are too kind. I left this comment already yesterday but it seems to have been lost! I'm very pleased to have discovered your blog and I just spent a while browsing old posts, you cover some very interesting stuff.
    My French Country Home

  9. To my readers - I encourage you to visit My French Country Home, a beautiful and inspiring blog. Mark

  10. thank you mark! i don't know how i will ever top this!

  11. You top yourself with each posting, and it's a delight to visit your blog!
