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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Chocolate Candy as High Art

Last year, good friends gifted me with a box of William Dean Chocolate, made exclusively in Belleair Bluffs, Florida. The first thing that got my attention was the cloth-covered box that closed magnetically. Then I opened the box.

Oh, my!

This past Christmas, my brother gifted his wife with a box of William Dean Chocolate, and I couldn't resist photographing the selection to share with you.

Left to right from the top: Lemongrass, Hazelnut, Passion Fruit, Pistachio, Coffee Caramel and one flavor I can't identify. Perhaps it's a Christmas creation.

Left to right from the top: Salted Caramel, Crème Brulee, PB&J, Dulce de Leche, Lavender and Mint Pie.

Left to right from the top: Key Lime, Apple Pie, Cappuccino, Amaretto, Grand Marnier and Biscotti.

Incidentally, though William Dean Chocolate is a local company, there's been a recent uptick in its sales because it was featured prominently in The Hunger Games. The selection is so beautiful that one is tempted to just look at it for several days. I should stress that I am not being remunerated for this posting, though if I were, I'd certainly opt to be paid in chocolate!


  1. Hi Mark, All these fancy chocolate flavors remind me of the sudden huge increase in exotic jelly bean flavors some years ago. They certainly look beautiful--how do they taste? When I eat chocolate, I tend to like it dark (but not too dark), and preferably frozen.

    1. Hi, Jim,

      They all taste wonderful, and one thing that I like about them is that some are infused with tastes that go beyond sweetness, like tartness.

      I like all chocolate, but it took me a while to come around to dark chocolate. That's because for a long time I associated dark chocolate with the bitter baking chocolate that Hershey's used to sell as dark chocolate in the 1950s.

  2. Dear Mark - I love chocolates but these are not just chocolates, they are little works of exquisite art.
    The one you could not identify is Crème Brulee - white chocolate ganache infused with vanilla beans topped with a raspberry/chambord jelly. Imagine all of that in one little chocolate. I found it whilst browsing the list of chocolates.
    Thank you showing them - I now want some chocolate, but we do not have any in the house!!!
    This months button is very attractive.

    1. Dear Rosemary - Thanks for your detective work — I've already made the change in the text. I love the holidays because I get to eat chocolate then. I have so little self-control when it comes to sweets that I never buy any for myself, at least at the grocery store!

    2. I meant to add a thanks for enjoying this month's button. It's interesting to look at it in person and to figure out how many layers of fabrication it has. I am continually amazed by how intricate these little gems are, and I often take pleasure of an evening examining them with a loop.

  3. "Oh my" is an understatement! I too, love chocolate and these are now on my list to try. They are each a little painted canvas!

    1. Happy New Year, Theresa! If you go to the William Dean site, you'll see that one can order the chocolate in a range of quantity. I think you should treat yourself!

  4. Champagne boxes or chocolate boxes? Champagne or chocolate? Happily (for my waistline), I can easily walk on by as far as chocolates are concerned. Less sure about a good glass of champagne. They probably have the same high calorific value!

    My secuirty code for this was: 29 candiypn ....is that a mixture of chocolate and champagne?!

    1. I think that at least once a year, you should treat yourself to champagne AND chocolate. One can always rationalize (as I sometimes do) that the body's natural cravings are what is simply nutritionally lacking.

  5. Dear Mark, not fair, not fair at all. These little creative perfections are just too much. Too beautiful and to hard to resist (that is if you're lucky enough to own a box). Happy New Year!.

    1. Dear Gina - As I've said, I don't have enough self-control when it comes to sweets, but even I lengthened the pleasure by eating only one a day.

  6. A definite go-to for my next special gift. Thanks a bunch for posting. High art indeed.

  7. Dear Mark,

    Happy New Year to you my friend!

    These do indeed look like little works of art. I received a lot of chocolate over Christmas but it all pales besides your jewel-like creations!



    Is the Grand Marnier chocolate still available? If it is then send it over here!

    1. Dear Kirk,

      Happy New Year, Kirk! I hope your holiday in Wales was everything that you hoped for.

      I received a more modest selection of chocolates than what is represented in this posting, but I can attest that any size selection is an over-the-top gift. Your choice of the Grand Marnier is an excellent pick; I think I also had the Passion Fruit and the Salted Caramel — all distinctively tasty.

  8. Hello Mark

    William Dean is one of the best kept secrets. I do believe some Stars have found it and one in particular receives a regular shipment.
    I just found your blog and as your new follower I look forward to knowing you


    1. Thanks for visiting, Helen. I don't normally blog about chocolate, but I'm a chocolate maven for sure. I'm hoping it's a life-extender.

  9. Up here in the Notheasternmost of the United States, 'Black Dinah' is our Dean. It made Christmas shopping very easy. Nobody complained or looked disappointed. Quite astonishing the level artisanal chocolates have risen to of late, no? It's as if Buñuel went into the chocolate business.


    1. Dear DED - thanks for that link — I took a peek at Black Dinah's beautiful site, and can understand why people would enjoy being on your Christmas list!

  10. These are amazing! Do they taste as wonderful as they look?

    I couldn't help but study each group of six to see if there was any rhyme or reason to your assemblages and I do indeed detect a pattern. There's an upward pointing triangle in each set that has applied pattern while the downward pointing triangle has more organic swirls and splatters. The butterfly doesn't completely conform to the pattern but it doesn't really deviate either. Is that instinct or intent?

  11. Hi, Steve,

    These do indeed taste as wonderful as they look, and beyond that, they have some unique tastes that I haven't found in other brands.

    I so much enjoy your design sensibility, and that you suppose my own in this arrangement. But the truth of the matter is that if you remove the copy from between the three groupings, and slide the three groupings into one image, this is exactly the way the opened box would look.
